Friday, December 31, 2010

Closing 2010 to Welcome 2011

Closing 2010 and Welcome 2011
What is New Year's?
You've all heard of New Year's Resolutions and for some they become goals for the coming year, plans for January or at least a thought for a fleeting moment. ☺
As I enter 2011, with all the changes a new year has to greet me, I must really remember those things that inspire me. I must take the time to embrace life, share a moment, and feed my passions.
Everyone has an answer... answers to your banking and financial future, answers to your marketing and business plans, answers to your cooking and kitchen needs, answers to your body size or performance. Just spend one night and watch or listen to late night TV.... I've watched late night commercials for P90X or other "enhancements" and yes I find myself saying "WHAT THE ???" But wait, there is an answer that is not in their product even during the "limited time to act" promotion, these businesses, people and products are doing one thing in common, they are moving on their ideas, products and programs. Now I am not suggesting anyone dive into late night promotions, HSN, or other magnets to your money. Now on one flip side of this point sits the reality that people are buying this stuff otherwise they wouldn't be continuing the commercials (TV Spots are Expensive), Billy Mays was not a poor man, trust me, he may be dead, but everyone knows this pitchman and people bought what he was pitching. What I am suggesting is this.....
Whatever your passion, Whatever your dream....spend some time reaching out in 2011
Enjoy the gifts of life, make a commitment to a better you.
We all have areas we can improve; if we didn't, we would cease to exist and our jobs would be done, never stop learning.
Put away your arrogance, you only impress yourself and at the end of the day where do you want to be.....
As for me, my 2011 journey is only one chapter and I am excited to share it with you.
~~~Happy New Year~~~
Please remember three things this holiday as you sing your Auld Lang Syne*, be safe, don't drink and drive, and be nice....... Yes, I said nice...... If you have to think about this one, take a moment or two but remember that person you are nice to might just be that person who feeds your passion and enables your dreams.
*Remembering a little history....Auld Lang Syne is the Scottish Poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 referring to "times gone past", "the good old days" and with most New Year's Celebrations as the clock turns 12 the song begins to welcome the new year. Most know the song, however; many don't know the lyrics.

Monday, December 13, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas ~

So you've all heard the song, every day as we approach Christmas Day the measurements of people, places and things grows and grows. Every year I hear the same questions being asked all around me, "what do you want?", "what do you need?".....etc....etc....... Every year I find myself not having a solid answer to respond, I guess that makes me bad, or perhaps I should only look for that lump of coal in the Christmas sock (but just think what happens to can be the diamond in the works, yes it takes many more years than I have to watch but it does). I hear repeatedly, ohhh, I cannot do portraits now, I need to lose 50 lbs and get a face lift, have my hair grow out, blah blah blah (here again, some more of my own responses to those crazy questions). Talk about a reflection of me........

This year meets me with a flood of emotion. I have sadness, I have happiness, I have excitement and I have dreams. My sadness as this is the first year without my Mother, it's a very difficult time, I don't feel like celebrating, decorating, entertaining because I'm sad, cannot everyone see happiness as we celebrate the expected birth of Christopher (my grandson), the absolute joy Issy and Evie bring to my life every day, the love of my family and wonderful friends and the celebration of Lyle receiving his masters degree from Regis........ my excitement from soup to nuts, as I like to say, horse bites to butterfly kisses, simple pleasures of dark chocolate and good coffee to that every day feather and a nice glass of wine, to being part of wonderful groups of artists coming together for common interests, like Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep to Help-Portrait to Thank a my dreams, which drive me to that special place that give me hope, hope that I can share the scenes of the world with my friends, family and clients, dreams of travel to special places near and far, dreams of sharing, dreams of caring, dreams that one day may come, but they still are dreams. So, I'm not really Scrooge, I have my tree decorated, I am planning the celebrations of graduation and Christmas with all the joy and excitement, celebrating Christ. it is not about me...that's the raw truth, that's the message that feeds the fires of all the dreams and is giving back, capturing memories, sharing moments, celebrating successes, embracing grief and sadness.

So back to the 12 Days of Christmas....I'm going to close with this, don't wait, don't delay, grab hold of your TODAY, as today becomes your story and tomorrow becomes your dreams. you don't need 12 days to celebrate, you need only your desire and hopes and dreams. If you want it, just ask! I did and I am so glad.

Merry Christmas Everyone, may your holiday season be all that you dream and wish for.

Keep Seeing The Light,
