Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 2010

Wow........sometimes it becomes difficult to talk and share the thoughts that race through my mind. As many of you know, I am facing the end of life with my Mother. She is now on home Hospice and as expected, not doing well, each day has struggles and the sadness continues and the stress mounts.
I'm continuing to work and also spend some much needed valued time with my family, I cannot stress how important these special times are. My grand daughters are the brightest spot in my heart. I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to spend as much time with them as I have.
I am continuing to honor the prepaid special which includes the session fee when clients prepay $150.00 towards their finished print orders. This is an incredible deal so if you are looking for a way to have professional images there is no better way.
I am still waiting for the winner of the "Climb the vine" silent auction certificate.
I will be interviewing for second shooters so if you are interested in working with me on a professional level, please contact me privately.
Senior Reps/Partners will be finalized for the class of 2011, so if you want to be considered as a Katherine Payne Photography Senior Rep/Partner and will be graduating in 2011, I still have a few openings for this awesome experience, so don't wait, contact me soon.
Congratulations to my awesome Seniors for the Class of 2010. YOU ROCK!
I'm going to close this post with hope that all your days are bright and sunny and full of love. Take a moment to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, although we all know the journey we will ultimately make alone will someday come, when those days approach it is never an easy journey.

Keep seeing the light.

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