Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things to not forget!

Vancouver 2010 Give A Way
e-mail your information to:
to enter this awesome give away, the winner will be selected during the Closing Ceremony on February 28th.
We are 17 hours into the "Celebration of my Mothers Birthday Sale", this will end at 4pm tomorrow 2/18/2010.
My Professional Session Special is back by popular demand so another way to make those professional images happen for you.
Now on a personal Note:
Family is so very important to me, not only the family God gave me naturally but the family that has evolved through my life. I've had many very important individuals leave my life and "move" to heaven if you will. My passion for photography has given me the ability to "capture" timeless memories and I cannot even begin to express how important these image are to me. Some images I cherish are frankly, not good photographs but they are all I have so to answer a question that was recently asked of me "Why would you give so much away or make such offers in your business?" well, my answer to that particular question is because if I can give one gift to someone that can spark the memory or bring them closer to the ones they have lost, than it is all worth it, God gave me the gift of photography and also gave me the gifts of my dear friends, its kind of my duty to give back for him.

Thanks for visiting and listening.
Keep seeing the light!

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