Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Voices of Reality Show - Internet TV Programming

Hello again,

On August 13, 2010, I was a guest on the Voices of Reality Internet TV Program
representing Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. With me Lindsay Hannagan from HQ and two of my very special Mom's and friends; Rachel Hall and Brianna Campbell spoke with our host: Kasha Fauscett. Please visit the site to replay the feed. It has 3 parts:

Part 1: http://www.livestream.com/voiceofreality/video?clipId=pla_fbbce2ed-df5a-424c-925a-547abfe2e2dd&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb
Part 2:
Part 3:

This was our first experiencing working with Voices of Reality and meeting the staff/crew and Kasha. I feel we were able to share the mission of Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. Please feel free to contact me personally if you have questions or if you would like to get involved in the program as a volunteer.

This Friday's program with Kasha is about Teen Suicide and she will be joined by a couple of Moms who lost their daughters to suicide. Please visit the video of Brianna who's Mom will be talking with Kasha this Friday, August 20, 2010:

Please tune in this Friday at http://www.voicesofreality.com/ to help support this local Colorado group.

Voices of Reality have graciously agreed to partner and work with me and the Denver Group for the upcoming Help-Portrait event on December 4th so I am thrilled to make yet another wonderful connection with a great group from Colorado.

Keep seeing the light.

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