Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's Next

What's Next..........

So we are closing in on the end of February having two of the major Professional Photography Conferences done for the year, celebrating 20 years of marriage and eagerly awaiting the birth of my third grandchild and first grandson.

I've asked the question what's next? I like to think the sky is the limit, but let's be honest, there is no limit in the sky so every day and every turn in the road brings new adventures and opportunities.

We have Spring on the way with the excitement of Easter and Mothers' Day as well as many other special upcoming events. So even if it feels like it is down the road, remember the road isn't that long.

I would encourage you to pick up your calendar and schedule those special events, update your walls with new family portraits, consider throwing that celebration with friends and family and don't forget to capture those memories, you only experience each day, once.

Embrace every day, know the day is a gift and special no matter what it brings.

Keep seeing the light.

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